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St. George's Catholic School


A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.

Mahatma Gandhi

Welcome to History at St. George’s! Striving for success, our department is innovative and collaborative in its planning and delivery of engaging and rigorous schemes of work. We are all about helping students to develop their cultural capital, key skills and the adoption of British Values including: democracy, tolerance, respect and the rule of law.

Our schemes of work enable students to develop a chronology of world History from the Aztec Empire to the Equality Act of 2010. Through the course of their study students will look at a range of primary sources and will begin to analyse the views of historians working at top universities around the world.

Students of History at St George’s can expect to develop key transferable skills over the course of their study including:

  • Interpretation
  • Argument and debate
  • Literacy
  • Communication
  • Organisation and time management
  • Problem-solving
  • The application of knowledge
  • Analysis
  • Evaluation
  • Independence
  • The ability to conduct detailed research

History can be studied at all key stages and our students achieve some of the highest grades nationwide. Our GCSE Progress 8 Score for 2019 was +0.45 demonstrating that students achieve nearly an half a grade more with us than at other schools in the country. We do this through imparting our passion for the subject in lessons, going the extra mile for our students and through our sky-high expectations for all.

Every single member of the department is a subject specialist and a member of the Historical Association.

Want to find out more? 

If you wish to find out more about History at St George’s please feel free to contact Ms H Averill-Hampshire at h.averill-hampshire@stgeorgesrc.org


In Years 7,8 and 9 students at St George’s RC School have two lessons of History a week. The school follows the National Curriculum with a focus on local, national and global history. By the end of Year 9 students will have a firm grasp of key concepts like: chronology, interpretation, significance, change and continuity and causation. The department is committed to ensuring that all students refine key skills like forming an argument, using evidence to support their viewpoint and understanding the diversity that exists in both England and across the globe.

Year 7 History

  • From First Man to Civilisation
  • How did England change after 1066?
  • God or Gold? The First Crusades
  • Medieval Migration 
  • What caused the Peasants' Revolt in 1381? (including local area study - London)
  • Was the 15th Century a 'Golden Age' for women?
  • What was so Remarkable about the Aztec Empire?
  • Burn Heretic Burn: Why did the Reformation make so many heretics?
  • Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble: Why were there so many 'Witches' in the 16th and 17th centuries?

Year 8 History

  • A King in All But Name? How did the powers of kingship and parliament change in the 17th and 18th centuries?
  • Badge of Honour or Badge of Shame? How do we interpret the British Empire?
  • 'It was the Best of Times, it was the Worst of Times': How far did the Industrial Revolution benefit everyone?
  • Slavery Through Time
  • Blood, Mud or Tears? What was the experience of World War One? (including local area study - Maida Vale) 
  • How did Women become Citizens?
  • The American Civil Rights Movement: A Source Investigation

Year 9 History

  • How did Politics make the early 20th century so Bloody?
  • What is the Story of the British Civil Rights movement?
  • From Exclusion to Equality? What is the 2010 Equality Act?
  • No Hitler, No Holocaust? Examining the historical debate
  • War of Independence or the Great Disaster: Why has the 1947-9 Arab Israeli war been interpreted so differently?
  • How to Hide an Empire: The American Century 1989-1945
  • Notting Hill 1948-70 (Local area study - West London) 


Students are levelled at the end of each half term. It is expected that all students will make two sub-levels of progress a year in order to reach their target grade. We base our assessments on the recommendations of the Historical Association to ensure that our students make sustained progress. We also prepare students for each assessment through mid-topic assessments and specially tailored revision guides. Throughout the year those who have reached or exceeded their targets will receive a reward trip or visit.

Enrichment this year

The History department organise trips more frequently than any other department. From museum visits, to walking tours and workshops our trips aim at enriching the learning that happens inside of the classroom.

Our trips focus on 3 key events: Black History Month, Remembrance Day, Holocaust Memorial Day, International Women's Day and LGBTQ+ History Month.

Events this year have included:

  • A trip to Belsize Square Synagogue to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.
  • A walking tour around Notting Hill and Ladbroke Grove to learn about local black History.
  • A walking tour of the East End of London to celebrate International Women's Day.
  • Bespoke assemblies to all year groups on the topic of LGBTQ+ History Month.


Homework is set in every Key Stage 3 History lesson. It is expected to be completed for the following lessons. It is designed to extend and consolidate learning.

Useful links for help with homework:

www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/history www.schoolhistory.co.uk


In year 8 students have the opportunity to pick History at GCSE after the Easter holidays. History is a highly-regarded subject by both employers and universities and it has a large take-up at St George’s. The department have achieved strong results at GCSE with a Progress 8 Score of +0.9 in June 2018. This means that in the History department every student on average over performs by 1 whole level. Many students achieve A and A* grades. This success comes from hard work from both the students and staff. There are after-school, Saturday and holiday revision, sessions which are compulsory for students to attend.

There are 3 papers which form the GCSE (Edexcel):

  1. Crime and punishment in Britain c1000 to present and Whitechapel, c1870-1900: crime policing and the inner city (1 hour 15 minutes)
  2. Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91 and Anglo Saxon and Norman England 1060-1088 ( 1 hour 45 minutes)
  3. Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939 (1 hour 20 minutes) 


Students take all exams at the end of year 11. They have one attempt at this exam and there are three papers we complete. In order to ensure that students feel prepared for this exam the following assessments are also completed:

  1. A mid topic assessment every 3 weeks
  2. Mock exams at the end of Year 10. Year 10 will also have termly assessments.
  3. November, January and March mock exams for Year 11


Homework is set in every Key Stage 4 History lesson. It is expected to be completed for the following lessons. It is designed to extend and consolidate learning.

Useful links and Revision Guides:


GCSE History AQA B: Modern World History Revision Guide

The textbooks we use are produced by Pearson.

Anglo Saxon and Norman England Revision Guide

Cold War Revision Guide

Crime and Punishment Revision Guide

Germany Revision Guide

Whitechapel Revision Guide


A level History at St George’s offers a vigorous and academic syllabus to prepare students for university study. Students must achieve a level 6 at GCSE History as well as a 6 in English in order to take this subject onto A-level. Students who take History at A level have a strong record of going onto study History at the best universities in the country. This course really prepares them for the academic vigour of Higher Education.

At A-Level the History department expects the highest possible standard from our students. These high expectations have led to outstanding results since the introduction of the new A-Level specification in 2016. Last year’s A-Level cohort achieved 100% pass grades. This success comes from hard work from both the students and staff. There are after-school, Saturday and holiday revision sessions which are compulsory for students to attend.


Students take all exams at the end of year 12 and 13. They have one attempt at this exam and there are two papers. The first is Unit 1 which covers the topic of the British Empire and the second is Unit 2 titled ‘the American Dream’ which covers American History from 1945-1980.

In year 13 students will also complete coursework which is currently on the causes of the French Revolution. This coursework is worth 20% of their overall grade and requires students to write a 3,500-4,000 word long essay including the views of historians and primary sources.

Homework and Revision Guides

Homework is set in every Key Stage 5 History lesson. It is expected to be completed for the following lessons. It is designed to extend and consolidate learning.

A Level Revision Guide America

A Level Revision Guide British Empire

AS Revision Guide America

AS Revision Guide British Empire


Studying History can lead to a great number of excellent careers as diverse as the media, government, heritage organisations, conservation, teaching, archives, museums and galleries, the police and law.

It is a highly respected academic subject so it is also the perfect option for students who have not yet decided on their future career path. It teaches a number of a highly transferable skills that are attractive to employers.

Click HERE for an extensive careers guide provided by the Historical Association.